Elliott likes to tell me, "When the baby climbs out of your tummy you'll be able to snuggle with me ALL DAY LONG". Or, "make room for me in the reading chair". He has about 5 things that I'll be able to do with him once she arrives. Obviously, he doesn't quite understand that this little girl is going to be taking up a lot of that one on one time we have together. Though, I'll happily admit, I would love to be able to snuggle with him longer and more comfortably.
This past month has been busy. I finally cracked down on potty training. Elliott has been able to pee in the potty for a while. But, he never tells us when he has to go. It's very hit and miss, which is not fun. Over the past few weeks we are "undies only" at home and if we are going out for short trips. He has been doing really well, though still has the occasional accident. Going #2 is a whole different story. We're still working on it, some days we are successful others not so much. I hope that he is able to continue on this good streak and not have any regression when the baby arrives.
As a family we went to Enchanted Forest at the beginning of June. Dan and I had both been when we were kids. I think I was maybe 6 or 7 and I don't remember it well. Dan was older when he went and he LOVED it. Ever since my sisters had their kids he has been wanting to take someone there. Elliott had a great time. He isn't always the most adventurous kid, but he did well on the few kid rides he went on. He did the ferris wheel by himself (the picture we have makes it look like E is in jail, so I'm not going to post it). The kid bumber boats were a huge hit, he loved them!

This past week we went Strawberry picking with my sisters and all the cousins. I brought a camp chair so that I could sit and watch. Elliott wasn't the best strawberry picker. He mainly would pick 5 or 6 then dump them out, then eat them off the ground. Yum! All the kids had a good time and I got to sit with Baby Paige :)
I took about 8 cousin pictures and not one of them turned out good. Elliott was being a stinker and would not look at the camera. Actually, in most of them he's looking at Cameron and they both have their tongues out. Elliott has definitely mastered the art of selective hearing.

Paige :)

After strawberry picking we all went to Sarah's house to play and swim. Amy was nice enough to get in with the kids while Sarah, Paige and I sat the deck. I had E in his lifejacket to see if that would work for him. He wasn't totally stable and didn't seem to like it. Amy added to ring and he was off on his own! He happily kicked around the pool like this for a while. I mentioned above that he isn't always very adventurous. In the last week or so he's really started to try new things out, this being one. There is a great pool near our house, hopefully Dan and Elliott can go soon so that he can get more comfortable in the water. Because I taught lessons for years I have wanted to start him in lessons once he's potty trained and 3 years old. We'll have to go a few more times this summer so that he learns to like the water and no be afraid to get it on his face (as he sometimes is in the bathtub).

Tonight I tried out my domestic side and canned Strawberry Jam. Even though Elliott didn't actually get any strawberries I still bought some from the farm. The one jar that wasn't full enough to can I put in the fridge to eat right. Dan and I tried it out and both decided that unless we die tomorrow, I successfully canned Jam! :)

Later this summer I'll have to try different fruits.
Enjoyed the updates. :) That selective hearing, to get it down just right {believable even} is such a fine art! Excited for your new baby to arrive!
Just checking in from Sweden... Maybe that little girl has arrived by now. Will check FB for posts. Loved reading this entry!
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