Our friends Jamie and Sarah got married on the 10th. They were so cute and had a great wedding at a local winery. Sarah was all grins and giggles and tears as they got married. Dan has known Jamie since Grade School and Sarah since Jr. High. I've known them since High School. They are a very sweet couple together and we are so thrilled that they are now married. What's cute is that they had crushes on each other back in 9th grade (I think), but were too shy to say anything.

My best friend, Amanda, was married to Mike on the 18th. Technically those two met back in college one night. But, in reality they met through me (yay!) at a dance club in Portland... WAY back in the day. I am so happy for the two of them. Amanda and I have been friends since 9th grade Spanish class. Dan got in trouble walking to Amanda's house in 7th grade because he was out too late. Their wedding was at Imbrie Hall. This is where my brother in law, Ryan's, Dad grew up. Their wedding was small and sweet and a ton of fun. Dan and I danced for what felt like hours! I didn't want to leave, but Elliott was tired and was calling for us (He was with Gma and Gpa Godley).

Our good friends Brad and Carrie got married on the 24th. Brad and Dan have been inseparable since about 7th grade. They lived together for years post-college, before I came into the picture and took Dan away :) I was actually good friends with Brad in High School because we life guarded and played water polo together. Somehow Dan and I never met though. When Brad met Carrie we were all so happy. She is so kind and so good for Brad in every way. Plus, she has become a really good friend to both Dan and I. We were both really honored to be in their wedding party, Dan was the best man. We had so much fun at their wedding. It was like a mini high school reunion!

On Wednesday we leave for Seattle to celebrate with Lauren and Justus. I'll do an update later for them. We are so looking forward to it! Also, thanks to both sets of Grandparents who have helped out so that we could celebrate these weddings without Elliott - for the most part. We love E, but it's nice to celebrate with friends without him.
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