Here is Elliott on New Years day. We got together with Dan's family because Lauren and Justus were in town after spending Christmas with Justus' family in Buffalo, NY. Elliott bashed his cheek on his bookshelf that day :( He's naked because a few new teeth have been coming in and the drooling has been out of control.

I babysat for my sister, Amy, last week. We had Cameron and Caleb over for about 4 hours. This was the first time I watched Caleb. He loves his mom, and hardly anyone else, so I was a little nervous about how it would work. But, he did great for the hour I had him before he went down for a nap. Yay for naps!! Cameron and Elliott played together really well. Cam just wants to play with Elliott's Thomas track - even though he has about 15 Thomas tracks at home. Our track is special, apparently. We had a good time but both E and I were tired when the boys left.
For Christmas Elliott got a Little People Farm and a table to put his toys on. E likes to be a daredevil and will climb up and stand on the chairs. A few times we have found him on the table! Is it bad to want him to fall so he understands that he will get hurt? Here he is hanging out with both:

E also likes to hang out in his "fort". A box we got after shopping at Costco that has a can of paint in it because I was clearing the floor to vacuum one day. He loves it. Weirdo!

Elliott has been talking a bit more. We think he says apple (appa) and will now growl all the time. Sometimes - when he feels like it - he will hoot like an owl and moo like a cow. He is walking so much better now and is getting much more brave. He likes to stand on the couch with his hands above his head in victory. We are still working - slowly - on how to climb down stairs. Our stairs are hardwood so I've been slow to teach him. But, now that I heard Caleb knows how, I think Elliott should learn as well.
I'll try to be a better blogger the rest of this month.
Love all the updates and pictures! Time is flying!
Have been checking a bit more regularly now that MOST of the work is done to get ready for my show... so glad to see some updates and the film of the boys... nice to have cousins close in age and distance while growing up!
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