After the wedding we drove over Mt. Hood and down to Bend (central Oregon) to stay the night, our half way point to Crater Lake. Sunday morning took us down the rest of the way to Crater Lake! I'd been there once, but I was really young and don't remember at all. Dan thought it would be a great idea to go and to do the boat tour of the lake (the last boat tour of the season). We hiked down to the water and loaded up on the boat for the first half of the tour before Wizard Island. Elliott was okay on the boat while it was going fast...but every time it slowed down for the ranger to tell us about the lake he would start to get super mad and scream! Thanks kid, now I still don't know how Crate Lake was formed!!

Part of the tour we did was to stop on Wizard Island for 3 hours. The island is really amazing and completely untouched feeling. We didn't hike around too much, mostly let Elliott sit on the ground and play. Poor guy had been cooped up for too long.

We got back from the tour and made our way to the campsite where we planned to camp for 2 nights. It was 7pm, we were all hungry and it was super cold out. Plus, we didn't have any firewood and couldn't buy any at the camp store because they had already run out. Dan and I frantically set up the tent, the crib and our sleeping bags and then got back into the car to see if we could eat at the lodge. We could - at 9:15pm!! Elliott was fussy, we were cold and hungry and finally just decided it was too much to go back to our cold campsite and try to cook with no fire. We gave in and made reservations at a hotel in Kalamath Falls. Only problem, it's 50 miles away! At that point though, it sounded so much better than trying to wait around until 9:15 to eat and then go back to a cold site. We did the drive and stayed at a great Best Western (I would totally recommend it if you're planning to go through that area). We had to go back to Crater Lake today and get our stuff so we decided to do the Rim Drive and look at all the sites we'd seen from the water but this time from the Rim. The weather was perfect, albeit windy. We left a day early and are now home, in the warmth of our own home. Even though the trip didn't go as planned, it was still really fun and overall Elliott did amazingly well being stuck in the car for so long.

This last picture was just too funny not to share.

1 comment:
Happy 11 mos. E!!! Your public awaits your next adventure. Many reading, but few want to deal with the sign in, password, word verification, encryption stuff it takes to comment. We view here and comment on Facebook. Lots of us lazy lurkers!
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