Dan and Elliott trying to beat the heat:

We spent one night hanging out at Sarah and Ryan's house and swimming in their neighborhood pool. Elliott is enjoying the water more and more. Our niece, Grace, is amazing and was doing back floats (with the help of floaties) all by herself! She didn't even want you to hold her! I think you can see Grace is the background with the orange hat.

Sarah and I escaped to the beach last Wednesday, the day it hit 107. We took her two her two girls and our nephew, Josh. I had checked the weather report and it said it was suppose to be 89 in Seaside. When we finally got there the whole coast line was socked in with fog. I was thankful Sarah had extra sweats in her car for Grace - Elliott got to wear them, and yes, they are bright pink! I had only packed shorts. The kids had a great time digging in the sand and playing in the freezing ocean. I had to let go of my issues with sand and let Elliott roam free. For some reason he liked to put his whole face in the sand. Combined with a bit of a runny nose this is what we got:

Sarah took a bunch of pictures on her camera, I only had my phone. Maybe I'll get some from her and post more.
Dan, Elliott and I drove to Packwood, Washington to celebrate D's parents 40th wedding anniversary. I took my camera but never brought it out of the computer bag. So, no pics. On Sunday afternoon we drove up to Seattle because Dan needed to install a new server for his job on Monday. We found this amazing park in the Capital Hill neighborhood, Volunteer Park. It was beautiful! We climbed the water tower where you got a great view of downtown Seattle.

Elliott had his 9mo birthday on Monday. We go to the doctor next week so I'll post a weight/height report then. I think he's at least 22 lbs! Chunky man!
We went to the park last night to enjoy the cooler weather. In the stroller pictrue you can see both his bottom teeth as well as his new upper tooth - he looks like a vampire now!

Well, Dan is at a soccer game and Elliott has been asleep for close to 45 minutes. What am I going to do with all this time to myself? Guess I should go clean the kitchen. Maybe I'll take a bath after....
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