Again, still not happy because my mom had to do the dishes and not hold me:

How could you possibly be mad at me though, I'm so cute:

- Elliott
Elliott had his first two days at day care this past week. We got a great review on Tuesday, not such a great one of Friday. Hopefully he's adjusting well and having fun. Dan said that he was happy when he was dropped off on Friday. Maybe that means we aren't scarring him for life. My first week back was alright. There are alot of lay-offs happening at OHSU right now, so it's not a very fun environment to come back to. My department was hit especially hard, so I'm thankful to have a job right now. Dan took off Wednesday & Thursday from work this past week and will do so next week. He got some great quality time with Elliott.
Hey, we all have our days, don't we?!
Big adjustments at your house! Hope all continues smoothly. Glad you still have your job. :)
Yes, he is still cute.
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