He also loves Lego's. Not just duplo legos that most kids his age play with. He has those, and the sets he has are pretty cool, if you ask me. No, he is crazy about the Harry Potter Lego sets that I have purchased as an adult. He will happily play with Harry's car or the Burrow for probably 30 - 40 minutes. He sits in his little chair while the lego set is on the table. You can hear him from the other room chatting away with the characters. He knows all of their names. They do things together. I'm completely amazed that he doesn't destroy these sets. Yes, things will get broken, as expected. But, for a 2 year old he keeps things amazingly in tact.
Here are some recent pictures of Elliott.
Playing with The Burrow:

Giving me a 31st Birthday Kiss:

On the 24th we had snow! It started snowing the night before and we woke up to a pretty dusting all over. It was probably 1 - 1.5 inches, nothing big. It was beautiful and sunny out, so Elliott and I went on a walk to stomp around. Because it was so sunny basically everything melted away (at least on the streets) by 11:30am.

Happy to stomp around in the slush:

Not so happy after falling down in the yard:

That's the kind of snow I can deal with. It's there, you can have fun. Yet, you don't have to shovel your driveway or start your car 5 minutes before you leave just to heat it up.