First off, I'd like to apologize to those who do check on this blog, even if it's just semi-regularly. This month totally got away from me and I didn't even think about posting much.
That being said, let's see what Elliott has been up to:
Elliott is talking a lot now. Usually he likes to tell me who he likes. Amy and Papa are the most popular. Every now and again other names get thrown into the mix. He really likes Lauren's chickens. He asks Dan to take him on hikes. This means going to a local nature park, standing by the water and throwing rocks. That's heaven for him, he could do it for hours
He is now obsessed with Fire Trucks and driving Fire Trucks. We visited our friend Brad, who is a Fireman/Paramedic, at his station at the beginning of September. Now all Elliott talks about is Brad and Fire Trucks and how he wants to drive them....every day! I have a video of him talking about it. Check back later (unless it's already posted) to see it.

At the end of August Dan's Grandpa, Dale, passed away. We had a really nice week celebrating Dale's life with all of his family here in Portland. All of Dan's cousins were able to make it, except one who was about to have a baby. I think it's really great that everyone was able to be here to remember him and his life.
Dale and Elliott, Father's Day 2009:

Powell Family dinner at the Porter's:

Elliott wanting to play with the twins:

That's some serious coloring:

The last night everyone was in Portland we met at a local hotel for Pizza and cookies. One of Dan's cousins has twins, Hayden and Hunter. Elliott
loved Hunter. For his part, Hunter was very patient with Elliott which was pretty good for a 7 year old. In order to keep the kids busy we let them draw on the white board in the conference room:
Hayden, Hunter & Elliott

Elliott liked to be traced:

Bryan gave Elliott his first tattoo (now E wants to draw on himself, thanks...)

Wait...there's more
Elliott also likes to be a helper in the kitchen. Sometimes it works out well. He helped me make cookies in August and this past week he helped turn the crank to make applesauce:

Okay, I think that's all. Long posts happen when I only update once a month!