Sorry for the bad blogging. The truth is, our office has been such a mess I haven't wanted to enter it for fear of contracting something... Dan cleaned it though, thank goodness! Thanks D!! We had a busy weekend with family. On Friday my sister, Amy, hosted a Valentines Party for all the cousins. The kids decorated cookies - more sprinkles than I think I've ever seen on a cookie. They colored and played hard. It was great. Dan and I went roller skating on Saturday night for a friends birthday. We were really lucky because Dan's parents took Elliott all night long! Woohoo, sleeping in AND not having to listen to a baby monitor all night long :) Sunday was a lazy day of playing and sleeping and celebrating V-day with Dan's Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Vic who were visiting from Montana.
Elliott has turned into a major climber. We have to watch him closely now because he'll climb up his high chair and it's a little scary to see him up there alone. He has found that my yoga block is very helpful in giving him that extra little height needed to scale the couch or look out the window.

While the rest of the country is covered in way too much snow we are enjoying great weather here (not so good for the Vancouver Olympics though...). Today we went to the park with Amy, Cameron and Caleb. Since our neighborhood is so old we still have a merry go round at the park. Obviously they are way too dangerous now (sarcasm) so it's hard to find one. The kids love it!